Friday, December 24, 2010

a new adventure

So, photography has been a huge passion of mine for as long as I could remember. I admire everything about it, yet know nothing. I fell in love with our photographers Erin & Louis Palos, and I finally found the courage to ask them a few questions on what sort of equipment I should look into getting. To my absolute surprise, they both emailed me right away and told me that they were looking to get an "assistant" and were even thinking of ME! wow! How awesome is it that they are willing to put me under their wing and train me from absolute scratch. Believe me.. absolute scratch!

 So before I could even get my very own professional camera, Erin handed me her backup  and put me to work shooting a wedding. Of course I had no idea what I was doing, shaking the entire time, but had absolute blast. Since that day I have purchased my own fancy camera, a couple lenses, and have tagged alongside Erin & Louis. I have assisted in a handful of weddings and am learning something every time I go out with them. 

I have recruited a few friends and co-workers to take their family photos so I could get some practice. Holy moly. I didn't realize how difficult it would be to place people, work my camera, talk to them, seem somewhat compitent, and do it all on my own. YIKES! I'm so thankful to these people for agreeing to be my "test" subjects. I can't wait to share with you what I have been up to. And most of all,  looking forward to seeing my work improve :)  


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